Monday, 19 February 2018

Uninstall WebSphere Commerce Server Version 8 Manually on a Linux system

Uninstall WebSphere Commerce Server Manually on a Linux system.. Some RPM packages needs to Uninstall, otherwise next installation will be failed.

While WebSphere Commerce Server Installation, Some RPM packages will install on Linux OS level automatically. So we need to uninstall all RPM packages which are related to WCS8. Below I have explained all steps. 

To uninstall WebSphere Commerce manually, complete the following steps

1. Log on as the root user.
2. Issue the following command:
rpm -qa | grep WC80
This command returns all of the WebSphere Commerce related packages that are installed on    your machine.

3. Search this list and record the values for the packages that match the following format:
Where xxxx is an alphanumeric representation.
4. For each WebSphere Commerce related package, remove that package by issuing the following command:
rpm -e package_directory
5. Go to the /root directory and open the file in a text editor.
Remove all lines that start with WC80xxxx.
Save the file and exit.
6. Delete WCS Installed directory
       rm -rf CommerceServer80
7. Reboot the Linux box before starting new WCS installation.

All the best..!


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